Hot Tub Shock Treatment


Hot tub shock treatments are often a necessary part of maintaining water sanitation in your home spa. It helps to break down organic waste contaminants that may be causing odor, cloudy water, or any manner of grimy build-up in the water. The ample dose of chlorine or non-chlorine shock is what destroys the bacteria and lets you have a fresh start.

No matter what you use to sanitize your water, most professionals recommend shocking your hot tub at least once a week in order to maintain clear, clean water. Regular shock treatments should also ensure the best performance from your sanitizer.

TIP: If you use a biguanide sanitizer, you will want to check with your supplier to make sure you use the correct form of shock that is complimentary to that sanitizer.

There are two types of shocking systems available to you: non-chlorine shock and dichlor (chlorine-based) shock.


Non-Chlorine Shock

For non-chlorine shock treatments, we recommend using one of the following: Spa Pure Spa Oxidizing Shock or ProTeam Spa Oxidizing Shock. Both of these are an oxygen-based shock referred to as a monopersulfate compound or MPS for short. These are popular as a non-chlorine shock because it has little to no offensive chemical odor.

This kind of shock can be used alongside your usual sanitizer such as bromine, chlorine, Nature2, and Frog systems.


Dichlor Shock

Dichlor shock is a form of chlorine often called sodium dichlor. Technically it’s both a sanitizer and a shock, but it’s usually not recommended as a primary form of sanitation. It’s more of a resource for people looking to fix their bad water problems. Shocking with dichlor is also often referred to as superchlorination.

If you have any water problems like foul odor, slime, algae, mustiness, or cloudy water, a dichlor shock treatment is often the fastest and easiest way to clear it up. Even if you’ve switched to an alternative purification system like Cleanwater Blue or Nature2 to avoid chlorine, it’s still a good idea to start your system with a dose of dichlor.

ProTeam Multi Magic Shock is a popular form of dichlor in addition to ProTeam Sodium Dichlor and Spa Pure Granular Chlorine.

TIP: Dichlor should always be pre-dissolved in a plastic bucket of water prior to addition to spa to avoid possible damage to acrylic surfaces or liners made from vinyl.

This shock is 100% compatible with bromine, chlorine, Nature2, and Frog systems.


When to Shock

There are a few instances when shocking your water is recommended:

    • When refilling a spa (the initial shock should be done with dichlor). After that initial treatment, you can maintain water with non-chlorine shock doses.

    • Prior to or just after a party or other times of heavy usage.

    • When the spa has been neglected.

    • Restarting a spa that has not been used for extended periods of time.

TIP: If you don’t like chlorine, just keep the cover open, jets running or exposed to sunlight until the smell dissipates—it won’t take long.



The amount of shock will depend on bather load, and which water sanitation system you’ve chosen. Make sure you check manufacturer instructions to ensure a proper shock treatment dose.
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