Monday Pool Fails
Do you know what's the hardest day of the week?
Do you know what makes this particular Monday tougher to swallow?Because if you're anything like me, your body refuses to adapt to the lost hour brought on by Daylight Savings Time. I get it. The extra hour of light at the end of the day is fantastic. But does that mean I have to like it?! (Obviously not.)
So what could we do here at Sunplay to make this difficult Monday a little easier to swallow? How about showing you a handful of really great pool fails from the interwebs. These beauties range from terrible false starts, to ill-advised jumps, and a lot of bad decision making.
This poor guy let his nerves get the best of him. We feel you. Our day didn't start out great either.
This particular pool jumper suffers from an abundance of faith in himself, albeit misplaced.
Ever have a day that's not quite what you thought it'd be?
Or doesn't go exactly as planned?
Maybe your Monday included some misplaced faith in your peers.
Or your tendency to be cautious came back to bite you.
Perhaps you tried to show off only to have things go terribly awry.
Maybe your optimism about the day turned to confusion in alarming fashion.
So maybe your Monday isn't as bad as you thought. At least it hasn't resulted in the need for medical attention (we hope). Happy Monday! If there is such a thing.**
**There isn't.
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