Will we have the same day/schedule every week?
- We try to keep the same day for our services but it is possible the day we are in your area can change as our service routes are updated and changed.
Is there any commitment/minimum time we have to sign up for?
- No time commitments are necessary. You can cancel at any time.
Can we have you come test our water as needed?
- Yes you can. We do make visits on an individual basis as needed for our customers.
What do you test for on a regular basis?
- Free Chlorine
- Total Chlorine
- Bromine
- pH
- Alkalinity
- Calcium Hardness
- Copper
- Salt
- Phosphates
What chemical adjustments do you make each week?
- We maintain water care at the highest level. We will make all adjustments to the basics such as sanitizer levels, Alkalinity, pH, and Calcium Hardness. Depending on a pool or spa application we will also add items such as clarifiers, scale inhibitors, salt, enzymes, or other beneficial water care products.
What are we/customers responsible to do each week?
- We make adjustments as necessary each week. There are some instances where you may need to make adjustments when we aren't there with the chemicals we supply. For instance after large parties your pool will need to be shocked. When bather loads increase or decrease you may need to adjust the sanitizer level accordingly. In spring when the weather gets warmer this also puts more demand on the sanitizer and it may need to be adjusted up. For the most part we can account for most of these scenarios but dramatic changes in usage, weather, or other factors may necessitate your help between visits to ensure clear, clean and properly balanced water.
If we are on the chemical maintenance program can you clean our pool or spa only as we request?
- We do offer this service if we can fit it into our schedule. Since it isn't on a set schedule we can plan on we do charge a little more and maybe a lot more depending on the condition of the pool or spa.
Do you offer deliveries for other pool stuff?
- Yes we do. Just let us know what you need and we can let you know how soon we can get it to you. If it is something we stock it could be the same day or the next depending on the schedule.
How do I know our pool maintenance has been done?
- We can set you up to receive text or phone alerts when the driver is on his way to the house and we will email the test results when completed.
Do we have to buy the chemicals from you or can I supply them myself?
- Our weekly chemical maintenance and full maintenance plans include the standard chemicals needed to properly maintain a pool and even some specialty chemicals. If any other product not included in the plan is needed we will charge your account for the appropriate chemicals to solve whatever issue you are having. Our convenient services are only for customers who are purchasing their chemicals and supplies from us. We do not add chemicals purchased from other sources or brands. Since prices are at our low internet pricing levels we can't see why you would want to add anything else but if you do this may not be the service for you.
Will we have the same technician each week?
- It will usually be the same but as routes and other factors change it could be different people.
Where will the chemicals be stored?
- We supply just what is needed each week and do not leave behind any chemicals on our standard maintenance plans If any chemicals are left behind we do need a place that we can access and get to the chemicals. It could be an outside storage bin, storage shed, garage or wherever you would like that protects them from the weather and we can access each week. This should also be a safe place where they cannot be accessed easily by kids.
Can we see our test results?
- We do email the test results each week after the service is performed.
If I have to be home for you to access the pool or spa can we be given a set time you will be out each week?
- We are not able to have set times as we simply move from job to job and the routes the service tech is on can change depending on many factors. We can only service pools and/or spas that we can access.
Do you use our pool cleaning equipment or do you supply it?
- We use our own cleaning equipment including vacuums with their own filter systems, brushes and nets. There may be a need to occasionally use a standard vacuum that is attached to your filter system and we will do so as needed.
Does this guarantee our water will never turn cloudy/algae or gross?
- Many factors determine the changes that occur in your water including bather load, weather, equipment failures and other factors we can't guarantee won't change over the course of the week. Bathers can also introduce many things like oils, lotions, detergents etc. that can effect sanitizer performance. It is rare to have your pool become cloudy or develop algae but it can happen. We do our best to make the necessary adjustments each week to keep your water clean and clear but after large parties or if other conditions change you may need to make some adjustments until our next visit.
What happens if your employees break something at our house?
- If our employees break something than we cover the damage. However, if something breaks during normal usage such as taking the lid off the chlorinator or during opening and closing a pool cover and it breaks we don't claim responsibility. In these instance’s if pressing the open button on your pool cover breaks it than whoever opened it next would have been the one to witness it fail. Things wear out and break that we have to use, open and close etc. such as baskets, lids, pool covers, gates and on and on. This is normal for these types of products and are not the result of anything we can control. If you notice anything wearing out and in need of repair it is critical to inform us of the issue so we can plan accordingly.
What if we have animals?
- As long as the animals won't harm our service techs they are not a problem.
What if there is inclement weather?
- In most weather we can perform our chemical checks but in rain, high wind, etc. we aren't always able to see the bottom of the pool to clean it. Also, when windy dirt and leaves could be blown into the pool as we are scooping it out. Depending on the duration and severity this could throw the entire weeks schedule off even if it didn't occur on the day we were supposed to be at your house. We will re-schedule for that week if possible but we may not be able to perform the service when this occurs and wouldn't be able to get out until the following week. We will always try to at least test the pool water and make any chemical adjustments as needed to help keep the water clear until our next visit when we can vacuum if you are on the full maintenance.