Poolife Instant Clear Cleaning Granules - 15 Pounds
Item #: 52402
Pickup or Local Delivery Only
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Sunplay - Ogden1075 S Depot Drive
Suite 1
Ogden, UT 84404
Store hours:
9am - 5pm, M-F
Item Details
Poolife Instant Clear Cleaning Granules
Poolife Instant Clear Cleaning Granules is an effective multi-purpose sanitizer and shock that protects against chlorine loss. Easy-to-use and convenient, this product optimizes pool usage and swimmer comfort while controlling algae growth, killing bacteria, and destroying organic materials. For best results, use every 5 to 7 days.
Poolife Instant Clear Cleaning Granules Features:
Poolife Instant Clear Cleaning Granules is an effective multi-purpose sanitizer and shock that protects against chlorine loss. Easy-to-use and convenient, this product optimizes pool usage and swimmer comfort while controlling algae growth, killing bacteria, and destroying organic materials. For best results, use every 5 to 7 days.
Poolife Instant Clear Cleaning Granules Features:
- Stabilized chlorinator
- Sanitizes pool water
- Easy-to-use
- Convenient
- Optimizes pool usage and swimmer comfort
- Controls algae growth
- Kills bacteria
- Destroys organic materials
- 15 lbs or 35 lbs
Active Ingredient:
- Sodium Dichloro-s-Triazinetrione dihydrate 99%
- Available chlorine 56%
Directions for Use:
- Adding 12-24 ounces of this product per 10,000 gallons of water provides 5-10 ppm available chlorine.
- Additional shock treatments may be required to correct problems caused by visible algae, high bathing loads, heavy wind, and rainstorms.
Poolife InstantClear