Waterco MultiCyclone 16 Ultra 200379
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Item Details
Waterco MultiCyclone 16 Ultra 200379
MultiCyclone Ultra combines centrifugal and cartridge filtration into one streamline housing, creating an ultra compact filtration system that can be vertically installed on a pool pump.
The Multicyclone Ultra has allthe benefits of the ever popular MultiCyclone with the addition of a 75 sq ft cartridge filter located in the upper housing. Incoming water enters the hydrocyclones tangentially, generating a strong centrifugal effect. The sediment particles are the is spun out of the hydrocyclone's wall, and spiral down into the sediment chamber. The filtered water then migrates towards the center of the hydro cyclone where the water reverses and spirals upwards and through a cartridge filter before exiting the Multicyclone plus.
The addition of the cartridge element provides the highest standard of filtration possible with very little need for cleaning. The majority of the sediment is removed by the hydrocyclones. The sediment level can be visually monitored through the MultiCyclones clear sediment bowl. The pressure gauge located at the top of the unit indicates when the cartridges requires cleaning. The cartridge can easily be removed by undoing the locking ring.
- Dual stage centrifugal water filtration system
- As MultiCyclone Ultra’s centrifugal section filter pre-filters up to 80% of the incoming dirt load, the capacity of its 75square foot filter cartridge is magnified by up to 5 times
- MultiCyclone Ultra’s sediment chamber is easily cleaned by opening its purge valve
- Quick fit unions for easy installation
- Hydraulically efficient design
- Cyclones: 16
- Plumbing: 2"
- Minimum Flow: 13 Gallons Per Minute
- Maximum Flow:74 Gallons Per Minute
- Cartridge Filter: 75 Square Feet
- Maximum Pool Size:21,000
- Maximum Pressure: 50 psi
Waterco 200379